Chinese Traditional Food Workshop

With fish you always have abundance ‧ Rice Puddings


The “Chinese Traditional Food Workshop” has completed its spring, summer, and autumn themes. Soon it will be winter, and Cooking Mama will again share culture and good food with everyone.


Traditional life culture often reflects people’s hope that a beautiful and peaceful life can be lived all year round. This workshop uses a set of ingredients that you arrange in the shape of the fish to show that you will have abundance every year and that you can look forward to a life of plenty. Our instructor “Cooking Mama” is ready to make nourishing vegetarian snacks with everyone! This workshop’s theme are lovely and healthy “red fish puddings” which is mainly made up of red ingredients and rice flour. These have the effect of nourishing the body and enriching the blood. It is suitable for men, women and children, but especially good for enhancing women’s beauty.

Contents of Workshop:       

  • Making 4 small fish-shaped puddings
  • Free mulberry red date, lotus seed, & egg tea

Instructor: Ellen Chow

Profile: “Cooking Mama” Ellen Chow studies Chinese medicine, loves cooking, especially traditional Chinese health food.

Date: 10 November (Saturday)

Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Place: Workshop 2, ground floor, Block K, Jao Tsung-I Academy (800 Castle Peak Road)

Cost: Adults $180; Families $240 (1 Adult + 1 Child*)
【Including free drinks, sampled food, 4 rice puddings】

Language: Cantonese

Register:  Click here

Enquiries: 2100 2828 (Miss Lam)


*Suitable for children 5 years and above; must be accompanied by an adult