Plan Your Visit > Location & Transportation > Nearby Parking Arrangement
Nearby Parking Arragement

Please note that parking space is not available at the Jao Tsung-I Academy.
There are a few car park services nearby:
(1) indoor car park at 9 Po Lun Street,
(2) indoor car park at Manhattan Hill
Take the leftmost lane at Lai Chi Kok Road towards Mei Foo. Pass the fire station and turn left immediately into Po Lun Street. After driving for around 15 meters, you will find (1) indoor car parks at 9 Po Lun Street.
About 200 meters further down on Po Lun Street you will see (2) indoor car park at Manhattan Hill on your right.
After parking, you can use the elevator next to the parking lot at No. 9 Po Lun Street to go up to the footbridge. Go straight forward for about 300 meters, turn right to Castle Peak Sitting-out Area, go straight 100 meters further, and then cross the road (remember to press system, otherwise the green light will not turn!) Then you will arrive at the Jao Tsung-I Academy.