“Hong Kong Weddings at Jao Tsung-I Academy” ──

The Six Rituals of Hong Kong Weddings

Hong Kong Weddings can be broadly divided into six major rituals: The Engagement Ceremony (過大禮), Delivering the Dowry (搬嫁妝), Preparing the Marriage Bed (安床), Leaving the Bride’s Family (出門), Joining the Groom’s Family (入門), and Revisiting the Bride’s Family (回門). Although there are several omissions and simplifications from tradition, all the expressions of gratitude and joy remain unchanged. In preparing for the wedding, couples are often faced with choices between traditions and new ideas. By managing the art of combining the old and new together, a Chinese-style wedding can be made elegant and modern, a simple wedding can be made colourful and memoriable.

Speaker Ms Lo Kan Fong (Vice Chairperson of the Hong Kong Society for the Promotion of Chinese Liyi)

Date   27 May 2018 (Sunday)

Time 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Venue  : Theatre, Middle Zone, Jao Tsung-I Academy (800 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong)

Free of Charge


Enrollment:Click here (The reservations are full. Thank you  for your support!)
