“Ingenuity with Dharma Joy in Chinese Ink Wash Painting” Cui Meng 2019 Hong Kong Solo Exhibition


Cui Meng is a leading figure among the post-70s Chinese painters. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University and the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Cui has participated in large-scale art exhibitions and won awards internationally. His works have been collected by domestic and foreign art museums and social figures, and have been widely reported by various media.


Ink and wash painting, as treasure of Chinese traditional culture, is a profound language art. Deeply fascinated by the language for many years, Cui has been persisting in perseverance, striving for excellence, and making artistic creations with sincerity and ingenuity.


In 2012, Cui had his solo exhibition in Hong Kong successfully and this year, we’re glad to present Cui’s recent ink and wash paintings, including landscape and Buddism works.



Exhibition Name: “Ingenuity with Dharma Joy in Chinese Ink Wash Painting” Cui Meng 2019 Hong Kong Solo Exhibition


Exhibition date: 15 – 20 October 2019


Exhibition time: 10 am to 6 pm


Venue: Exhibition Hall – Lower Floor, Block F, Jao Tsung-I Academy


Free admission


Organizer: China International Cultural Exchange Association


Co-organizer: Fenghua Charity Association

















《平安二字金》   《唐吳遒子石刻菩薩尊像》