Artists on Their Art:
On Kunqu Opera and Su Opera – Staging, Performance and Their Legacy

Chinese opera is notable for its profundity and long history. Entering its sixth edition in 2015, the Chinese Opera Festival travels through time and space to explore the beauty of operas from different ages and regions of China. Through an intriguing juxtaposition of village and palace, tradition and innovation, the Festival brings audience to their feet with a series of dazzling performances.

The Festival opens with three spectacular performances by the highly acclaimed Shanghai Peking Opera Troupe. Farewell My Concubine will be staged in complete edition and played by maestro Shang Changrong and the accomplished actress Shi Yihong. Virtuoso Chen Xiaoyun will play the lead in all-time classic How a Dead Cat was Substituted for a New-born Prince. Prepare to be amused by the gorgeous Sun Wukong’s Battle at the Spider’s Web Grotto, a classy and innovative rendition of the tale of the Monkey King.

In addition to stage performances, the Festival will continue launching extension activities this year including seminar, stage tour, film screenings, talks and exhibitions.

Artists on Their Art:
On Kunqu Opera and Su Opera – Staging, Performance and Their Legacy

Date:31/7 (Fri)
Speakers:Wang Fang, Zhao Wenlin, Fan Jixin
Moderator:Chan Chun-miu
Venue:AC1, Level 4, Administration Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre

Presented by:The Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Coordinated by:HKIPCC
Programme Enquiries:2268 7325

Details please refer to :2015 Chinese Opera Festival

  • In Putonghua
  • Free admission. Limited seats available on a first-come-first-served basis.
