One Degree Photophile Association Members’ Photos Exhibition 2018

Aim: To promote photographic knowledge and skill through organising various photograghic functions and outdoor activities to enhance friendship among members.
Exhibition: The 28th Members’ Photos Exhibition of One Degree Photophile Association 2018
and selection of the Most Favourable Photos
Date: 2018.9.6 – 2018.9.9 (Thursday to Sunday)
Time: 2 pm to 6 pm : 2018.9.6 (Thursday)
10 am to 6 pm : 2018.9.7-8 (Friday and Saturday)
10 am to 4 pm : 2018.9.9 (Sunday)
Venue: Jao Tsung – I Academy, Low Zone, Gallery, Hall 2 & 3
  Free Admission

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